International Conference, Kaunas , Lithuania – 4 th and 5 th of October 2007
The I International Conference was hosted by the project's Lithuanian partners SIF and was attented by all project partners. Some 40-50 participants in adult education, teaching professionals...
+ information
Click here to see
conclusions and
photos from the day.
Dialogical Discussion Groups
They are spaces of debate and decision-making which are based on egalitarian dialogue... + information
Conclusions from the discussion groups in each country.
Local Seminars
Once the last Dialogical Discussion Group has been carried out, each participating organisation organised a one-day local seminar with the aim of disseminating the results selected from the three projects... + information
II International Conference, Edinbugh, Scotland 28th and 29th of february
This second and last conference was held in Edinburgh (United Kingdom) on February 26th. It was also attended by each participating organisation, university lecturers and researchers,...
+ information
Click here to see
conclusions and
photos from the day.