Project Description

The STEP (Steps Towards European Participation) project derives from the need to focus on issues surrounding an increasingly prominant feature of our societies today, immigration, and to promote actions that favour the social inclusion of all cultural groups.

The aim of the project is to disseminate and exploit the results of three previous Socrates projects which address issues relating to migrational processes and more particularly, to the promotion of equal opportunities of migrants. These selected projects were developed within the European Commission Socrates action, Grundtvig 1. They are;

MOSAIC (Models of Synergetic Activities in Immigrant Counselling), coordinated by Instituto di Ricerche Economiche e Social i del Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy);

Who Speaks. The voices of immigrants on adult education , coordinated by Federació d'Associacions Culturals i Educatives de Persones Adultes (Spain);

Participation of Migrants in Further Education, coordinated by Multikulturelles Forum Lünen e.V. (Germany).

Project objectives:

To disseminate successful projects which address three different stages of the migration process: welcoming and assessment (the MOSAIC project), social participation (the Who Speaks project) and access to further education (the Participation of Migrants in Further Education project ).

To advocate that host societies respond to the needs of migrants, taking into consideration the gradual increase in the number of people who change their place of origin in search of more and better possibilities of employment, education, housing, etc. And also those who are obliged to leave their home country as a result of a war, for instance and seek asylum in a different country.

The target group of the project is adult migrants who are taking part in learning processes in adult education schools and associations within the participating countries (Spain, Germany, the United Kingdom and Lithuania).